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Decoding ‘OF Course’: The Internet’s Shorthand for ‘Of Course

OF Course!

OF Course, is the internet abbreviation for “of course.” When you don’t want to type the complete phrase, you can use it as shorthand in online discussions. Tweets, YouTube comments, and other social media messages can all be employed. Both lowercase and uppercase versions of this acronym are acceptable; however, text messages tend to use the lowercase “Of Course” much more frequently.

It is frequently used to state the obviousness of a statement. For instance, if you’ve been surfing your entire life, you might say, “The beach, ofcourse,” when someone asks whether you prefer the mountains or the ocean. Additionally, you can use them to demonstrate that you have a firm stance on a subject. You might be asked if you like pineapple on your pizza, for instance. If pineapples are your least favorite pizza topping, you can assert that “OfCourse fruit does not belong on pizza.”

The Origins of the Of Course

One of the most ancient internet slang terms we’ve encountered is OFC Full Form. In June 2004, the first definition was added to the online slang dictionary Urban Dictionary. It states, “Used in instant messaging to represent, ofcourse.” However, before 2004, it was probably widely used on early Internet communication platforms like IRC and message boards.

With the rise of instant messaging and chatting apps, instant messaging has become even more ubiquitous in internet culture. Additionally, you can use the Course to demonstrate that you have a firm stance on a subject. You might be asked if you like pineapple on your pizza, for instance. If pineapples are your least favorite pizza topping, you can assert that “Of Course fruit does not belong on pizza.”

The Origins of the Of Course

One of the most ancient internet slang terms we’ve encountered is of Course. In June 2004, the first definition was added to the online slang dictionary Urban Dictionary. It states, “Used in instant messaging to represent, of course.” However, before 2004, it was probably widely used on early Internet communication platforms like IRC and message boards.

Instant messaging and chat apps’ emergence made them, even more pervasive in online culture. It is particularly helpful in text threads where users wish to swiftly compose and transmit messages. It is akin to other slang expressions like SRSLY and W/E, which are also shorthands for well-known words.

Leveraging OfCourse

Be aware that “Of Course” is an informal slang phrase before you start using it in your texts to speed up typing. In business settings or official letters, avoid using it. When messaging, you should often use this acronym in lowercase. Here are a few instances of the use of:

  • Ofcourse, I’m going to get a haircut.
  • Sure, it’s alright. Anytime you require a tripod, feel free to use mine.
  • We’re going to Thanksgiving, ofcourse! I’ll see you shortly.
  • Ofcourse, Windows is superior to Mac OS.


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